What do we do?
School governors have general responsibility to parents and the Local Authority for the effective leadership of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and the policies of the Local Authority.
Governors help to decide school policy and share responsibility for the leadership of the school. They advise and support the headteacher and staff, working with the school to meet the needs of the children whilst ensuring that the school provides good value for money. They help the headteacher in the selection of staff and act as a link between the school and the community.
Governing Body Structure
download_for_offlineGoverning Body Structure
- Governor Information download_for_offline
download_for_offlineGovernor Information
If you are interested in being a governor, please contact the school office to find out if we have any vacancies.
If you would like to contact a governor, this can be done through the school office. Letters marked for the attention of a governor will be passed on in confidence.
- Governor Information download_for_offline