Brockswood Primary and Nursery School

Children's Roles

At Brockswood, we all play an important part in helping to run the school through taking on different roles and responsibilities. We are also encouraged to share our opinions and ideas to help the headteacher, the school staff and the governors keep improving our school.

Emotional Well-being Champions

Emotional Well-being Champions are year 5 and 6 students that champion emotional well-being and positive mental health within the school setting and wider community.  Our Champions drive forward positive change and support for the whole school community and break down stigma and barriers to receiving support. Our well-being champions are there to help and support in the following ways:

  • Be a positive role model.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Discuss ideas for well-being events.
  • Reducing the stigma around mental health.
  • Encourage people to talk and share.
  • Listen, support and find further help.
  • Be a good communicator and feed ideas back to their class.

It's okay not to be okay 


Sports Crew

The Sports Crew help with games, sports and competitions played at lunchtimes and promote the whole school ethos, educating others about health, nutrition and exercise. We are passionate about sport and enjoy a variety of competitive sporting events organised by Dacorum Sports Network where fair play and sportsmanship is as important as our participation.

School Ambassadors

In September some brave year 6 children stood for School Ambassador roles.  They gave fantastic speeches during assembly and votes then took place. 

During the year, they will be helping to run lots of competitions and organise events for children to take part in. 

Eco Committee

We are a group of children who work with a member of staff to reduce our Carbon Footprint. Our focus is to look for new innovative ways to reduce our environmental footprint and constantly review our use of precious resources.

Digital Leaders

At the start of the year, a selection of year 5 children were chosen to be Digital Leaders after submitting an application and taking part in an interview with the school's computing lead. These children help to promote internet safety around the school, look after the computing equipment and share their knowledge with staff and pupils about technology. 


A dedicated team of year 5 and year 6 children are part of our library team. They help to promote children's love of reading as well as assisting staff with the running of the library.